SharePoint List as Tableau Datasource

One of the hardest things as a SharePoint advocate is getting co-workers to understand that SharePoint can be used for so much more than just a file share to store documents. Creating task lists, calendar lists, or utilizing metadata on any type of library or list is actually a datasource that can be used for reporting.

Using a SharePoint list as a datasource for Tableau is very easy to do and can give users a way to put their information into a graphical format.

  • Open Tableau and connect to data.
  • Select Odata as the Connection type

  • Use the following URL (http: // <SharePoint Server>/_vti_bin/ListData.svc/ <List Name>)
    • Replace <SharePoint Server> with your server
    • Replace <List Name> with you list
  • Select your authentication
  • Connect
  • Give your connection a name

  • Now you can create a Tableau sheet off of SharePoint data.

Note: This is how I accomplished what I was trying to do. There might be other ways to accomplish the same task and by no means do I think this is the only way to accomplish this task.

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